tipsy elvesの例文
- It encourages people to raise money for the charity by wearing their Christmas jumpers on a specific day . " The New York Times " reported in 2012 that a major venue for sweater sales are independent company websites, with ugly-sweater themed names such as UglyChristmasSweater, ButtUglySweaters, Tipsy Elves and MyUglyChristmasSweater.
- The Tipsy Elves brand is split between a " naughty " line with more extreme examples of humor, and a " nice " line that features tamer comical designs, Tipsy Elves also runs the charity Sweaters 4 Sweaters, which donates sweaters to children in need using a portion of all the company's profits.
- The Tipsy Elves brand is split between a " naughty " line with more extreme examples of humor, and a " nice " line that features tamer comical designs, Tipsy Elves also runs the charity Sweaters 4 Sweaters, which donates sweaters to children in need using a portion of all the company's profits.